maandag 17 november 2008


Hello there! (echo...echo...) The silence is overwhelming. I'm wondering; am i alone in the woods or are there other travellers as well? Please, i would appreciate it if you leave some trail......

4 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

No dear mo, of course you're not alone. I've been enjoying quiet little strolls around your inviting garden and I must say that I've already come across some very fascinating and inspiring flowers :)


moonheart zei

Hihi then we're together in those woods i suppose. But no, i know people don't seem to react very much on blogs like this, but sometimes it's nice to know people enjoy what you create. ;-) I guess i have to put one-stat here to find out that i'm not the lonely wanderer. Lol


daddysgirl zei

I'm here enjoying your garden as well. :)

moonheart zei

Hihi daddy's girl: three subbies wandering thru dark woods then it is.