woensdag 4 februari 2009

i'm dancing barefoot

5 opmerkingen:

Tiggs zei

This is beautiful! Makes me think of a seductive little tree fairy coming out of the shadows to do one's bidding!

Big hugs,

moonheart zei

Yes that's also the feeling i wanted to express Tiggs. All pictures with 'Moonlighted garden' on it are collages i made.
Tnx for leaving a trail. ;-)

M:e zei

Hi. I'm not sure how I've found my way here....I think maybe from lessa's. I'm glad I did though, having explored your different sites, they are delightful. So much here to explore. I'll definitely be back.

love and hugs xxx

moonheart zei

Hello M:e,
welcome in my garden. I do know you a tiny, tiny little bit by lessa's, but didn't visit your blog since yesterday. I also am glad to discover your beautiful world. So, nice to meet you. And nice you left a trail in the garden. :-)

Hugs, moonheart

moonheart zei
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