zondag 25 januari 2009

Beautiful day

Today, was a beautiful winterday. Cold, but the sun was shining, promising that warmer days will come very soon. Do you think this whipped girl felt the cold on her glowing skin?

4 opmerkingen:

Thislexy zei

Dear moonheart,
Who cares about the girl.
Would you(!) have felt the cold on your skin????


Tiggs zei

Oooh... I just got the shivers myself. First, from the lovely picture and then even more by the comment above... I'm guessing this is your Master?


ronnie zei

Moonheart, Wow lovely, I've enjoyed stopping by and the photos are gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing.

moonheart zei

Hi Lex,
yes i would have felt it.... in fact i did feel the cold as i knelt in the snow for my Master. :-)

Hello there Tiggs and welcome.
No that wasn't a comment from my Master, grin. My Master, T., doesn't comment on my blogs but sometimes i am allowed to quote Him in my posts. :-D

Hello there Ronnie, also a kind welcome for you. Thank you for your sweet words, i love it when people leave some trails--> comments. I hope you will visit my garden once again.